Welcome and thank you for your interest!
Below you will find information about how you can participate in current projects, community events, and access information about hiring opportunities!

About C.A.R.E.
This project is a partnership between community members and researchers at the University of Maryland. The goal of the project is to learn how neighborhood environments impact health and well-being across the lifespan. We are currently working with the second cohort of our community advisory board to develop a study of how violence impacts teen neurodevelopment. Check out the different parts of the CARE Project below!

Community Presentations about the CARE Project
Linked is a community presentation that describes what we learned from community members that helped inform our CARE Project Household Survey that ran from December 2022 to April 2023. Click here!

Youth Research Internship Program
PROGRAM COMPLETED. We hope to recruit a new cohort of youth next summer (2025).

Community Advisory Board
RECRUITMENT CLOSED. Join our team as a paid research consultant! Adults and teens welcome! Represent your community by piloting and providing feedback on the CARE Project! Click here for more information!

DATA COLLECTION CLOSED. The CARE survey was mailed to 2500 randomly selected addresses in Wards 4 and 5 of Washington D.C. It included questionnaires about household members, community strengths, environmental factors (e.g., greenspace, perceived danger, social connectedness), ethnic-racial identity, and mental and physical health. If you are interested in using this data or exploring more about your neighborhood, contact us at gardlab@umd.edu
Click here to view the FAQ sheet that was sent out with the survey
Click here to see if your neighborhood was included in this survey!

About R.A.R.E.
This project is a partnership between community members and researchers at the University of Maryland, College Park. The goal of the project is to increase representation of individuals from marginalized backgrounds in biosocial research and include communities of color in the decision-making process.
Photos from our community outreach events