Our comprehensive lab manual is for undergraduate students, graduate students, postbacs, and postdoctoral scientists. The manual outlines critical lab policies and expectations for all lab members. In addition, we compiled a “resources” document that includes many different training opportunities in our areas of expertise. You can find these documents on our lab github page:
Collaborators and fellow scientists: please feel free to borrow ideas from our manuals, but cite us and the other lab manuals that we used to create this resource (more information in the repository README file).

All of the images used on our site are open source and freely-available through Unsplash or Creative Commons. We appreicate the time and effort of the following photographers and illustrators: Robert Collins, Kiana Bosman, Matheus Ferrero, Daria Lisovtsova, Shana Rouce, Tom Rumble, Matt Donders, Humphrey Muleba, Sammy Katta, Emily Morter